Will, I hear ya.

I am not an aggressive person...my only fist-fight was in 7th grade Technology class.

Something happens when I am on my bike, though. On more than one occasion, I have been cut off or pulled a move that threatened my safety while riding. Some unfamiliar rage flares up and I have pulled up next to them at the next light or even chased them down and knocked on their window. I don't curse them out or even yell....I simply state what they did and how my life was at risk for their careless actions. One guy apologized, another guy, who appeared to be on something, said he didn't know he had done anything. He was the one I scared the crap out of...getting off the bike and marching up to him with my armor jacket on.

That being said...

MOST (90% +) drivers are generally respectful of me and my right-of-way. I often see drivers at intersections with plenty of room to pull out, but wait for me to go by. I often get signaled to go ahead at four-way stops (which annoys me, but they are just being considerate).