Quote Originally Posted by motozeke View Post
California is my home, born and raised here, so why would you think it's OK to say crap like that? And no, I don't care what you think about California politics--this is my home. I don't say crap about *your* home, sir.
This quote, right?
Quote Originally Posted by 53driver View Post
It's starting.....
Only a function of time and karma before that state plops off into the Pacific......

A pity you took offense.
This had NOTHING to do with California politics or the people.
That you took my statement that way seems a bit odd to me, especially with the other comments openly addressing California politics, even by someone who lives there - whom I respect highly.
I lived there for 11 years and have many friends who still do.
And? If I should ever care to make meaningful comments about California politics, I would address them specifically with my friends in the DNC in Sacramento.

I was merely referring to the tectonic plates shifting.
The "karma" comment was only in regards to the timing of the shifts - as no one seems to be able to predict their activities.
The science that is geology is fascinating to me and the California quakes & landslides provide dramatic evidence of the Earth's constant evolvement.