100% agree.

A few thoughts:

1. I am guilty of fiddling with my phone while driving on occasion. Not very often texting, but getting a podcast starting, syncing Bluetooth, etc. Just as bad, perhaps worse.

To counter this, I have imposed some self-discipline. I put the phone in my glovebox on "vibrate". If I get a call, I can answer it hands-free through Bluetooth. I set up podcasts to play in the driveway or at stop lights. My motivation? I feel I owe it to my fellow citizens to be a safe driver so I do not hurt them, or myself for that matter. Anyone who messes with their phone while driving know the vehicle is essentially driving itself for a few seconds.

2. I think we are close to a time where phones go into a limited mode of operation once the vehicle is in motion, beyond 10 mph or something like that. Apple is releasing that feature in their next software update, I heard.

3. Beyond texting or phone calls, law enforcement cannot prove that were using your phone at any time because using Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or setting up a podcast to play, does not show up on your statement of usage.