Nah, don’t wear a helmet here in MI. I know, I know, no lectures. Thought about it this time due to the cold and rain but maybe one of these days.

The speed in the rain was more of an experiment on what the limits of the bike/tires are in those conditions. That and I don’t like being passed when it’s raining. The spray off of vehicles is terrible. Heavy rain got a little sketchy but I had no problems with normal/light rain. I mean, they still race motorcycles in the rain so I know it can be done. I just wanted to see where the line started to get a little fuzzy

On another note, I had to get an Apple branded cord for my phone to work with the stereo thru the USB thing (6’ cord run up under the seat to my RAM mount). No other aftermarket cord worked at all. It almost acts like something is overheating and after cooling down for a period of time, works just fine again. Until it overheats again. Not sure if that makes sense or not.