Quote Originally Posted by No Handle Sam View Post
Does anyone use one of these so that you can plug your earbuds into the bike to listen to the audio system? I've purchased two different adaptors and while they both work... they are both "noisy" (like low end static or white noise) Are there any tricks to making this work? Or another adaptor that is "clean"?
I've been using that type connector with my Etymotic ER-4 in-ear headphones since day one on my F6B(4 yrs now) with no problems with static or white noise. I bought it off EBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/Honda-Gold-...-/382231018871 in black

These are the Etymotic ER-4 I use and have been using for over 20 yrs on all my steel steed's sound systems, they are the best IMHO.