I live in New Zealand, and at this time of the year, unfortunately, it is fall. And it can be pretty humid, cold and rainy.
Finally, 10 days after purchasing my F6B, the sky was in a good mood, the sun came out and I took my bagger for a ride.
I went West of Auckland, in the Waitakere Ranges. First stop at the Information Centre, with Maori carvings. Then took the windy road to Piha Beach.
A surfer's hot spot, well renown for the waves and also for the rip that in summer put swimmers at risk. Piha Beach is next to Karekare Beach. Those who have seen the film "The Piano" with Harvey Keitel, will know what I am talking about. This is the beach where the piano is delivered. This is a film by Jane Campion, a kiwi director. The film won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1993.
Not a very long ride, this is a small country after all, but after 17 years without riding a Gold Wing, a nice way to rekindle the passion.

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