This thread has been a refreshing read, thanks STRaider for starting it.

I've always enjoyed my alone time regardless of what I'm doing, but even more so when on the bike. Unfortunately I'm not often out riding without at least 1 other bike. I've taken lots of high mileage trips but its always been in a group of 4+ other motorcycles. When talking with my riding buddies about the upcoming trip out to Colorado, they think I'm nuts for going solo; "You'll have no one to talk with at stops", "That'll be lonely", etc. To which the only thing I say is, "That's kind of the point. And why I'm so looking forward to it." I almost always experience some sort of euphoric moment, a revelation, or change in perspective, big or small, when out on a ride, even more so when it's a long trip. And on this trip when I make a pit stop, there'll be no one to take me out of that moment.

I've enjoyed reading everyone's comments in this thread, I was beginning to let my friends/coworkers comments second guess myself that my excitement is misplaced. Now I know my feelings and excitement of being solo is not unique. So here's to the peace and solitude of traveling solo while looking forward to the camaraderie and socialization that comes with meeting like-minded individuals. See ya in Cortez!