Quote Originally Posted by VStarRider View Post
I was on a two-lane narrow state highway, speed limit 50 mph.

I came up on a car going 40 mph. Had a clear line of sight and began a passing maneuver in 5th gear, rolling on the throttle moderately. I signaled began to overtake the car.

While next to the car I was passing in the oncoming lane, a saw a car pulling right out of a driveway on my side of the road, coming right at me, about 200 feet ahead. I was going about 55 at this point.

MCRider and other rider training stress to look where you want to go, then go there.

I also remember S.E.E. - See, Evaluate, Execute.

I said "uh oh", rolled on the throttle hard, looked in front of the car I was overtaking, pushed the right bar and leaned up and out to the right to execute the most secure, but quick, lane change as possible. The bike responded predictably, smoothly, and securely.

I have practiced this move at least a dozen times, but one never knows how they will react when presented with a scenario where you have to use it. I actually feel more confident now that those skills have been put to the test in a real situation.

This was my first close call of the year.
Quote Originally Posted by Navvet View Post
I had a close one yesterday too, 3 lane highway with another merging in and then merging down to two lane.

I'm in the 2nd from the left lane at about 65 when a ##**head in a jacked up, blacked out truck merging on from the other highway (accelerating) came across the lane to my right and tried his best to hit me on my right rear. Traffic was light so I was able to avoid him with some quick maneuvering.

He laid on his horn as he passed in the lane I had just swerved out of like I was in the wrong .....

The bad part was I just put a dual camera DVR system on my wife's bike the day before, and she wasn't with me to record the action.

Thank god for this super stable, highly maneuverable bike.
I'm starting to think that biking belongs on back roads only. But, you have to get there. I had so many close calls this year, and every other year for that matter, That I'm surprised VStar only had his first yesterday. It must be a lot quieter up there! Every day lately, there's an incident on the news. Deaths and injuries. I think the motoring public had a private meeting to take out bikers.