"Done wrong" is prejudging Kavanaugh and saying she's telling the truth. Before that a supposed crime has to rise to the level of "reasonable suspicion" in order for it to be valid. This story she's telling didn't rise to that level and would be laughed out of every precinct in the US. That's why she didn't go to the police, no corroboration. It's bullshit. 6 FBI background checks turned up nothing, 36 years later, at the 11th hour, she spends the weekend scrubbing her social media, that's always the actions of someone who's telling the truth. You're delusional. By her own admission she drank a lot booze and took a lot of cock, girls like that never remember who they're with, the numbers are too high. I do have a question for her - with all that cock how did she make that tricky U-turn and wear white for her wedding.