Quote Originally Posted by zeus661 View Post
How can they get into my phone if it is locked and they don’t know the passcode?
Great question, and the answer is "they won't". Unless your State/Local LEO's have loads of cash to spare, dumping your phone is magical movie stuff that they simply can't do. I have the equipment, and still need PINs/Passwords unless you mind waiting weeks for a cracker to hack through the password (assuming it's not last on a pile needed for drug/murder cases). Also, I don't know of any on-site EMT that will grab a USB thumb drive off of a victim and plug it into any work computer (that's how virus's are spread, ask the Iranians how they know).

A laminated card somewhere on your person, or attached to your gear (AeroStitch and others make gizmos for this sort of thing) works, as does a simple set of dog tags (working for your DOD since, well, forever).

My 2 cents, YMMV.