Quote Originally Posted by wjduke View Post
Well, first of all, I'm really glad this turned out ok. Coincidently, today will be my first time back out on my bike since my last (2nd) time being hit on a bike. First trip...a 3 hour ride to NH. No time for a little break in ride or two. This isn't about me, but my point is, I have the guilt you have, and I have a little trepidation that you have too. You have to decide what's best for you. This is my life...I work, come home and without biking, I pretty much lay on my couch. It's all I have besides family. My son is ok with it, my mother is ok with it, but I have plenty of family who isn't. I'm 62, I live alone...it's all I have as a hobby, and I still love it. I said yesterday to friends and I'll say it now here...if it happens again and I survive, you'll never see me on a bike again. That will be the third time. I'm hoping my past two are the last of my bad luck on a bike. Good luck on whatever you decide. No one can make that choice but you. I might leave later today if I get out of work early enough. Otherwise, I leave early am. Headed to Lincoln to stay at the Loon Mountain resort area with friends.

By the way, I'll be on a white 2016 F6B with a M-----d shield. Curious how it'll be on the highway...soon to find out.
I can tell by your words, and others, that you know how I feel. I am waiting for the adjuster to show up and then will make my decision as to whether or not I am going to ride to work, then camp following work. I know how my wife feels, but I am being honest with her in saying I do not know what I am going to do. I have been clear to her and others that I do not want to limit myself based on fear and/or risk. A guy I know well, who has a bad knee, fell in his bathroom at 3:00am and hit his head on the vanity edge. He is paralyzed from the waist down.

I took a 10 mile ride last night, and while a little uneasy and hyper aware, I was ok. It was easier than expected, considering what had happened just 12 hours earlier.