Went to check out the private sale Deluxe w/OEM LED fog lights w/painter lowers, (2) CC Bailey dark,11/13" shields,4,600, $17,500.00
First thing was he lived a mile down a dirt road. All that means to me is paint chips but I never could have seen any because the bike was in the corner of the garage w/a cover on it and when He removed the cover the bike looked like it just came from a 600 mile ride and had not been cleaned yet. He apologized but hey, it's been on Craigs list for a couple of months, you have a big heated shed w/in 30 yards of the shop and you knew I was interested and was coming over to look at it. Unless I can talk him down a lot, I am not interested.

I like a clean bike. I have friends that very, very seldom clean their bikes. Different strokes...