Well I had had enough. I needed to ride yesterday and after not riding for 30 days, the ride was cool but wonderful. We went to the Barkhamstead Reservoir, in Barkhamstead Ct.
Attachment 3912
The reservoir is still frozen and the frozen water flows coming down the rock ledges on the side of the road were beautiful. I wish I had thought to stop and take a picture.
This was the first ride for my sweetheart with the new Ultimate seat I installed at Christmas. I remove the rider's backrest so she could sit in her normal position, snuggled up to my back. That was a problem with my last aftermarket seat. With the Ultimate, the backrest hardware is mounted low into the seat and she found no discomfort sitting basically on top of that area.
Attachment 3910
I also installed some Baker Hand Wings that were a Christmas present. They kept the cold air off my gloves and since they rotate, I can't wait to see how they draw cool air into the rider during the hot summer months.
Attachment 3913
All in all it was just what I needed. Today, once the fog burns off I'm going to try to get in another ride. It is supposed to snow again tomorrow.