Quote Originally Posted by austin_tech View Post
Why does it seem like a lot of the threads on here are "either/or" with F6B and anything else?
Am I the only one who loves the F6B but is thinking about getting a 2nd bike because I miss the chrome and the thrum of a big V-Twin sometimes?

Rob, sounded like you sure liked that Glide and had a hard time letting her go. I wouldn't be surprised if you're thinking about her hard a few months from now ...

I understand that it's tough to keep two expensive bikes, though, believe me. I don't know how in the hell I'd pull it off, especially with the wife
Yup true enough! I watched it pull out tonight but had 17,000 in hand and feel that I am going to put serious miles on the 6. I am very fortunate and signed 4 very nice contracts that won't pay for 60 days at least. I am going to lend my business this cash because I need a bunch right now. Yes I'm a bit sad but, I also know the value of operating capitol. I will miss her but oh man do I have a sweet ride still…If I really want another HD …I'll buy one but I think I will be Okay!!
If I had to sell with no other ride I would cry!!!