I work 2 jobs one at honda (wrench) and one overnights wrenching for a company that rhymes with Hed sex . Now I am up at 2 am rolling in and at that hour here be on your toes as "nothing good happens after 2am" 2 vehicles on the road, me and a work van -- and I hear you got to be f&^%ing kidding me is that an 1800 flat 6 -- I assume he is talking to me and not a lamppost and say yup ! Guy goes on -- man i gotta 97 valk but that thing is beautiful (check prev posts I stealthed her out) I said ya I got a 99 valk myself as well -- he said you seen the new 1800 valkyrie ? I I said yep-- he said that thing is butt ugly -- I said agreed-- He asked if mine was a custom -- said no wing F6B -- he was like thats more valk than the new valk -- I cant get over how badass that thing looks -- I never thought I'd like a wing but that's just evil looking. I launched it and carried the front wheel a bit and at the next light he says I got to turn here but I got degree wheels in my valk and other stuff and it DOES NOT LEAVE THAT HARD. Im writing this down now -- get an f6b

DISCLAIMER-- it will raise the front wheel and even stand up but you will eventually break a shaft -- my antics are not to be mimicked