.......not a long one, not much over a hundred miles but after having the F6 for a week and only the ride from the dealers and a short errand, it sure felt good! What a great bike, no complaints at all, except of course that supposed windshield! The issue of the shifter that I expected after my first ride I believe will become a non-issue as I adjust to it and find upshifts with the side of my toe are getting more natural. My Alpinestars have a small toe but still a tight fit under the shifter. The new w/s and assorted $1000 of "free" stuff are here and should go on this week, can't wait for that. I've been wearing a fullface for the first time in quite awhile and was surprised that even with earplugs I could hear the radio at 70mph. Just a perfect blend of torque and great gearing for a 5 speed, 6 would be nice , but there's so much low end as is that I like it just the way it is, what a pleasure to ride , smoooooth, no teeth clattering (ala Harley). what more can I say, this could be the perfect bike! ... even the mirrors work.. naw- it can't be perfect? D