Say hello to my 2010 Sabre that I traded in when you pick it up. Tell Fred that Ray from Wichita said hi

Quote Originally Posted by Bigcabdaddy View Post
So the final numbers are in:

Russellville hung up on me when I told them I wanted the financing to be through Honda America. I kid you not -- they simply hung up without a word.

Chattanooga does come in lower than my local dealer: $842.60 to be exact. Even at face value, that's not enough to cover the cost of me flying out there and riding back. But face value doesn't begin to tell the story:

1) I'm not nearly as sure the deal is solid in Chattanooga as I am here. Here I will test ride the exact bike I'm getting before signing on the bottom line.

2) Both Chattanooga and Russellville keep trying to leave out the 4th year of warranty. I don't know what that's about exactly.

3) I know Chattanooga would try to upsell me to another bike. Even without that, there I'd be getting a red one rather than the black I'd prefer. (I can't shake the feeling that had I said I prefer red, they'd have tried to push me towards their "last one" loaded or a stock black, but that's just me, right?

4) I know I'd be going out the door with a bag of parts for the $1,000 accessories. Locally, they are going to install them for no cost plus they'll scrounge a center stand from one of their trike conversions so I don't have to include that in the $1,000.

5) Here they will actually deliver the bike to my door if I want. Their store policy is to pick up and deliver for service work if the customer wants/needs. With Chattanooga, I'd be in for a 1,350 mile ride home which ain't all bad, but call me jaded: Riding across Kansas or Nebraska lengthwise would NOT be my choice of a maiden voyage.

So Interstate Honda of Fort Collins it shall be and I have nothing but good things to say about them thus far. I'd like to especially call out Antoine, the sales guy, for his patience and Fred, the owner, for making it happen and patiently explaining every step along the way.