I really like all the luggage ideas that everyone's suggested so far. Thanks for sharing them.

I came across something else to share. To avoid using super large bags, there's also the idea of using thoughtful packing methods to maximize space.

For anyone who's truly attempting to pack a whole month's worth of stuff into a single bag, or taking a true fashionista for a weekend trip (same thing) ... check this guy out:

Some downsides to using that method ....
  • I'd hate to need "just one tee shirt" on the side of the road
  • That bag will be HEAVY. If it isn't constructed well, the seams, zipper, or handle might rip. Could also break your luggage rack.
  • There's not much extra space when you buy that fancy "I went to Sturgis so I'm officially cool now" tee shirt
  • Could you imagine having to repack that bag every morning after you've stopped?

But then again, it might just be worth it.