Quote Originally Posted by Teach View Post
Bob, and there in lies the problem. You read what you wanted to read and NOT what I posted. The weight or additional weight in and of itself is NOT a huge issue. What you didn't get was lateral force applied to the FD's bearings. So maybe before revisiting you should look into it some more.
As I stated I have no interest in fighting over this with you. I am pretty sure some fella's with a whole lot more engineering experience than I have a better knowledge of what should not be done with the parts they designed. I'll leave it there.
May your journeys all be safe......

Gumby, why would I not open this thread? I find it of some interest to see what folks are doing with their bikes. Why so defensive over opposing views?
Obviously I am not going to change Bob's mind, nor was that my intention, but I did point out a few flaws in the DS argument. Won't make any difference to those who want to run DS, might for someone on the fence.

As for the "can't find any" DS failures? Didn't look too hard because there is one posted to youtube, and it was a wing.

Ride safe fella's.
Once again "Thanks" for sharing that with me

As (your quote) "I didn't get what was"lateral force applied to the FD bearings", I'm giving you the podium so you can share your knowledge on this subject. Please explain it in layman terms so "I get it" along with all the other folks who are following this thread. I know you will clearly articulate the difference between the MT/CT lateral forces so there's no mistake on anyones part on this subject, which you raised as a issue. Thanking you, "Teach", from all of your inquisitive students. Were listening!

You Ride Safe Also