Quote Originally Posted by HHB View Post
I bought a new F6B on September 10, 2014 and I have never been more disappointed with a new bike in my 35 years of riding. After 18 days of ownership, it's going to be finding a new home this week. Perhaps part of my problem is that I have always ridden sportbikes, my latest one being a 2008 Kawi ZX-14, but that is not the whole reason that I am so disappointed. I am disappointed to pay nearly $20 for a bike that has paint that will scratch at the slightest touch. I am disappointed that the helmet holder lock won't work and is going to have to be replaced and I've never even used it yet. The shorty windscreen that came standard on the bike was useless, so I bought the tall Honda windscreen. Imagine my further disappointment when I removed the front fairing pieces to install the taller windscreen and found lots of loose hardware, such as screws, that had only been started in their holes, but left untightened. And then there is that God-awful gear whine that is as annoying as hell! I bought the deluxe Honda helmet headset and right out of the box, the first time I turned it on, the left speaker buzzes like a bee in my ear. And then, there is the heft of this bike that makes it totally unmanageable on my 1/4 mile long gravel driveway. It simply won't go in gravel and I'm having to park it in my barn which is close to a blacktop road. So, as you can see, my experience with the F6B has been a total disappointment. I plan on trading it off this week as I have to have a bike that I can ride without all these problems. It's just not fun to ride! Through the years I've owned Suzukis, Kawasakis, and Yamahas... all of which have never given me a bit of trouble. This is my first Honda and it will be my last. Yes, I hate this bike and can't see it leave my garage soon enough! Honda Motors, you should be ashamed. Thanks for listening to me complain guys; I certainly wish my experience with the F6B could have been different. Peace everybody, HHB.

Hey HHB,

Thank you for your opinion on the F6B. I have always been taking great care of my bikes, and it is to say the least, is upsetting to have things break. The paint issue is a known problem discussed in this forum on the multiple occasions. I believe an easy solution recommended by a member in one of the posts is to apply few coats of "Liquid Glass". It is relatively inexpensive under 20 bucks investment to protect a 20K machine. The speaker's buzzing and helmet set problem should be covered under warranty, I believe its 3 years and should be at no cost to the owner if I am not mistaken. I don't know about riding on a gravel, perhaps different tires will help. Perhaps someone might have a solution in this forum.

One thing I noticed browsing a forum is a relatively small number of complaints about technical issues. To me its a huge deal. My last ride was a large 9ft Big Dog v-twin chopper style bike, in the last 2 years I only put on it 1,000 miles and I had it towed to a shop at least 4-5 times due to various issues, mostly mechanical and some electrical problems that cost several thousand dollars to fix. Also, dealer support was non-existent, no warranty whatsoever. At some point I didn't care how great bike looked, I just got tired of seeing it on the back of the flatbed or at the shop on a lift.

Glad that I asked the question to hear so many opinions on the F6B.