I'm interested in combining one of these with a Centerstand dolly to resolve a narrow garage / really steep driveway issue. Right now I have to do a 7 point turn to get it turned around so I can ride it forward down my steep driveway when I take it back out. Sucks but is better than leaving it outside.

Some of the reviews on the GL1800 sites are more concerned with the ability to actually ride off of it. Not as big a deal for us lighter (faster!) bikes I think, at least not for me.

With the 3/4" height of the dolly, I'd probably end up as high as the regular centerstand sits it now. That would be fine. Its would be nice to just roll it around on the dolly and spin it to where it needs to be.

Once my finances recover from my recent bought of new bike induced MAD (Merchandise Acquisition Disorder), I'm all over this.