Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
Steve you bring up some good points. And F6B I think the dont's have already exceeded the do's. Steve I'm not even sure its safe to say vote republican. I have traditionally leaned that way but they are as screwed up as the Dems. I just lean toward conservatives , people with family values and more of a median income. Washington is sooo out of touch. They have no idea how bad it is. The best solution I have is to get rid of them all. We get the quarterly reports of economic growth. Give me a break. This country is going downhill at an alarming rate. We need leaders with vision , someone that can make the hard choices , someone that's not afraid to hurt someone's feelings and someone that has the balls to say no. I say a barrel of oil for a bushel of corn. Let's see those Arabs eat that sand. We feed the world yet our farmers struggle. Let's see how mighty Russia"s army and China"s army is without food. This country does s piss poor job of marketing our assets. We give them away. The rest of the world prospers while we suffer. Thank our leaders for that. We are no longer feared or respected as a nation. We need leaders like Ronald Reagan.............hell its hard to think of another good one in the last 50 years. I'm not even sure the Republicans have a viable presidential candidate. I pray that someone will step forward. Chuck Norris? Steven Seagal? You guys how what I mean. I have just about give up. Not quite , but almost. I don't know about you but I'm tired of pulling the wagon by myself.

Palin Nugent 2016