I was in one of my moods, not a good one but not a bad one either. I had been on a long ride on my Valkyrie with a group of guys and we had a Harley break down and spent some time on the side of the road. Finally got the bike running and headed home. I was hungry and stopped at Wendy's. I was approached by an older man outside who asked me for money to get something to eat. I told him if he was hungry to come in with me and I would get him something but I was NOT going to give him money. He smiled and followed me in. I told him to get whatever he wanted. He asked 'Even a combo meal?' I said 'Anything you want.' He was a very happy camper! Later that evening I was at home, alone as usual when this story started forming in my head. I hurriedly wrote down what was coming out and the result is what you are about to read.


It is 2:00am. The moon is full and the stars are bright.
On a long lonely stretch of road, I sit. My bike quit
running over an hour ago and for no apparent reason. I have
been over the engine four times, there's nothing wrong. Cell
phone has no service and I don't know who I would call any way,
I am out here in the middle of nowhere. Off in the distance a bright light
appears on the horizon. Funny, I did not see a road off in that
direction. The light is getting larger and brighter, who ever it is,
they are approaching very quickly. I hurry and dig through my saddle
bag to find my Colt 45. Making sure it is loaded and chambered, I stow
it in the back of my pants. The air is getting much colder as the
bright light approaches. I can see my breath now, this just doesn't feel
right. I'm getting nervous, heart is pounding, breath is getting quicker
and the palms of my hands are getting moist. I take what I believe is the
best strategic spot I have available to me, one hand on my Colt the other
nervously holding my last cigarette. My bike and I are now lit up like a
Christmas tree from the bright light. I cannot see a thing! Clearly I am
at a huge disadvantage. I say a last minute prayer as I move to the side
trying to get a better view of what is now dead in front of me and only 30 feet
away. The chills that are running through my body along with the hair on the
back of my neck standing straight up now, has me greatly concerned. I have
never felt this way before! I drop my cigarette to the ground as I raise my
hand to shade my now squinting eyes, in hopes of getting a glimpse of what's
going on beyond the light. A large human like figure is now apparent.
I am trying to pull the Colt from the back of my pants. I cannot!
Muscles will not respond! Not any of them! The figure is getting closer and I am
unable to run or do anything, I am motionless! Then I hear it! CARLOS! You do fear
God. You have lived an honest life. You give of yourself when you have nothing left
to give. I hear your prayers before every meal and before you go to sleep at night.
I heard the prayer you said just moments ago. You ask nothing for yourself but ask
for those all around you. CARLOS! You are a good man, you set a fine example and I
need you here for years to come. May you continue to walk with the Lord. May your
journeys in life continue to bring the happiness I have seen. Peace be with you Carlos.
AND ALSO WITH YOU, was all I could mutter. The figure and bright light was gone as fast
as it had arrived. As my body relaxed and my head cleared up, I found myself standing in
my driveway along side my bike.