I have been on my high school reunion committee for the last four reunions. On our 35 year reunion our committee president 'Anna' asked me to write something for our class and the friends that have passed away. I said, sure I would and then she handed me a list. I was flabbergasted at how many names were on this list. I had no idea so many were now gone. It took a while to come up with something appropriate, or at least, what I thought was appropriate. It was a very tough and sad project to be given and I was not sure of just how to handle this task, what to say and how to present it. Well after a few weeks this is what eventually went to paper. It may make you think a bit, it may even get to you a bit but even so, I hope you enjoy the read.
My high school is called Paradise Valley or PV for short.



We were jocks, we were cowboys, we were freaks.
We were band members and thespians too.
We thought we knew all about life,
But not a one of us, really had a clue.

We were all friends and pals
And for the most part, we all got along.
The jocks would play with their balls and drink
And the freaks would go do a bong.

The cowboys would ride their horses and bulls
And spit that nasty crap.
The band members marched and played some tunes,
Where the heck were the thespians at?

Still, we were all one.
We were all classmates at P.V.
I know we’ve lost some friends through the years,
But this list really saddens me.

Now Anna asked me to write a poem,
For you and our friends that have passed away.
But when she handed me this list,
I didn’t have a word to say.

I’m going to ask you to do something,
But I want you to do it in your own way.
Let these friends and pals know you remember them,
Because YOU, will be on this list some day.

But that’s life!
And believe it or not, it’s going to end.
Now look into the eyes, of the person that is next to you
And tell them “I’ll always remember you friend”

I pray for this whole class every night
And I hope I am in some of yours too.
The recognition we give our friends tonight,
Is the very least that we could do.

I want to thank you all for listening,
To these emotional words that I write.
I say GOD BLESS to you all
And I bid you good night.

By: Charles James Beaulieu
A.K.A. Carlos
Copyright 8/20/05