What kind of helmet do you wear?

I find this amusing, since we debate, argue and fight over which is the best oil, the kind of tire that spins on the back, the oil filter, or which windshield has the best protection----ACTUALLY, the list goes on and on. What I find strange is that, for those of us who wear a helmet, nobody seems to give a rats rectum if it is a $40 no name flat black, non DOT piece of junk you got at bike week or it is a $700 Shoei or Nolan or anything else. For that piece of equipment, everybody seems to respect the opinion of EVERYBODY. There are very few conversations with in depth discussions on WHY you use the helmet you do. Since everybody on this board is concerned about EVERYBODY'S health and well being why don't we talk about it more? Heck Fire--I remember a thread about what boots you wear.

I bring this up because I just discovered the value that I see in a good quality helmet. I have a few Scorpions and Bells and HJC, but I recent got a deal on a like new but older Shoei just because I wanted a modular for cold weather. (I know somebody is going to say helmets should be replaced every 5 years--so let me say it before you do) To say I am impressed with the quality is an understatement. Super light weight, solid and the most comfortable piece of plastic/composite to place over my noggin. I wish I had known this years ago.

So here is the question for those who choose or are required to wear a brain bucket--- What brand and model do you use and more importantly is the question, WHY? If the reason is price, then that is fine too. I want to know what you are thinking.