This goes back a long way with me. It was written after my divorce, there are some reflections of that in these words but it is not all about that. I believe that whoever reads this will get a different perspective at the end because this is so true and we probably don't really think about it. See what you think and give it a read.


I've learned,
that I cannot change other peoples minds,
no matter how hard I try.

I've learned,
that if things do not go your way,
there is no reason to cry.

I've learned,
to live and love for today,
for tomorrow may never come to be.

I've learned,
that what is best for others,
may not be best for me.

I've learned,
that sometimes two people,
just can't work things out.

I've learned,
that love will bring pain
and I've learned this without a doubt.

I've learned,
to stop and smell the flowers,
all along the way.

I've learned,
to thank God,
that I am alive one more day.

I've learned,
that sometimes life and love,
just aren't fair.

I've learned,
that sometimes I must walk away,
no matter how much I care.

I've learned,
so many things,
some I've learned the hard way.

One thing I've learned,
I will not live and love for tomorrow,
I will live and love for today.

by Carlos