Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
You're wrong again Bird.
In your mind, apparently, as always.

Fear does not breed respect. It breeds fear.
When we enter this world, we know nothing of hate, bigotry, violence, and greed. Those are not innate behaviours.

For the rest of your lifetime and possibly into the far future, Americans will always be looking over their shoulders, not only at home, but abroad.
I know you love your country and for you it is the greatest country in the world in which to live. I think that's great.
But..... Do you ever wonder why the USA is the most despised country in the world?
Because you are a threat to every other country.
Whether it's oil or water or money, you want it all, and everybody else be damned.

The future does not look bright for our planet.

I have now donned my flame retardant suit, as I know you armed militia types have now clicked off the safety on your flame throwers.
Let 'er rip!