Quote Originally Posted by bigbird View Post
I washed my black '13 yesterday and applied my first coat of liquid glass. There was no paint residue on the applicator.
Even with only 1 coat, the finish was like a mirror. That stuff works great.
+1 on the Liquid Glass and remember the more coats it seems the better.I don't know about others 13 black F6B's but my paint from day one scratched and I went thru the crap Honda recomended and many other products with no good results.The only stuff that has worked on my crappy black paint has been the Liquid Glass.Only other fix would be a repaint and someday I am sure I will do that as I plan to keep her for a LONG time.Another great product I used on the tank was Tech Spec pads.They look good and really protect me from rubbing the paint away around the top compartments.Hope the 15 owners have better paint then us 13 owners cause I have not imagined my problem.