I went to find my title for the Suzuki so I could pick up the F6B Monday. No Title!
I had sent it out to get the lean released 3 weeks ago and they told me it would be back in 1 to 2 weeks. My wife usually gets them and puts them up where they are safe, and I didn't check with her but the title had not come back! I quizzed the Secretary of States office which I had sent the release form and title from and they checked on it and found out that the bank that had originally made the loan had sold the loan to another outfit and the lean release had a different name for the release of the loan than was on the title. They are working to straighten it out but here I sit, the F6B is done and ready to be picked up and I have no title for the Suzuki trade in. To big a hassle to do anything else but wait....