Quote Originally Posted by Hornblower View Post
I'm glad to see that you're following our threads. Don't get me wrong, I think you're a valuable vendor to our site and I do want to support you as much as possible. That said, your 10 watt LED bulbs aren't anywhere close to being as bright as a theoretical 80 watt halogen bulb. If fact, from what I've observed personally, they don't even project light down-the-road as well as a standard 55 watt halogen. So, if I may suggest, please consider removing all reference to 80 watts from your ad. You really aren't doing yourself a favor by leaving it on there. If you do want to continue marketing these bulbs, consider stating they are for color-matching to your HID's ONLY. That kind of advertising builds trust and credibility .
I will forward your comments to management.

Best Regards,
Customer Service - JC