Hi All- Recently I have made a decission to remove the Baker Wings from my bike. It's not that I won't have the same protection most likely I will have more protection. Here are the main reasons-

1. I noticed that at highway speeds the vibration of the wind on the deflectors affects the vibration on the mirrors. Which of course distorts the rear view.

2. At times I have noticed the deflectors are not lined up vertically, which means the wind is also bending the bolt coming down from the mirror. I have straighten this several times but don't feel it will hold up. If this bolt fails while moving down the road you could loose a mirror.

Love to hear your feedback, here are pics of what I have now and what I'm changing to.

Attachment 13601 Attachment 13602

P.S. this is not my bike! It's just a photo of a slower yellow bike!