Quote Originally Posted by stroguy View Post
The handgun is the ultimate equalizer. The ultimate. Until they build something that can replace that function the anti gunners can belly ache and post all the figures they want, you'll never sway my American free thinking mind. I refuse to be a victim with no defense. I carry insurance on my waist.
(or under shoulder, or in jacket holster)

Quote Originally Posted by bigbird View Post
Why do you fear the bad guys are all coming after you?
Is there more to your story? I understand once bitten, twice shy, but the extreme paranoia I see here over self protection has me scratching my nuts with curiosity.
Once bitten....aye. I needed it once, I had it, my family is all in one happy, unscarred, un-tormented state of mind.
Paranoia? I think not.

It's what a responsible head of household should be able to do for the family at a moment's notice - defend the family effectively, with purpose and to the death if necessary, with training and forethought.
I just think my odds of not dying are better with a standoff weapon, rather than knives & baseball bats at close quarters.
Also, it's what shepherds do for the sheep....