On riding in the center of the lane I agree. Car goes over it and you run into or onto it. Kinda like drafting an 18 wheeler. They hit something it goes under the truck and you see it way too late.Thye wont stop or even slow down for animals in the road..Besides,that black streak in the middle of the lane is oil and anti freeze and whatever else leaks from cars that diminish my stability.
On lane splitting or sharing,I used to do it all the time before I knew it was illegal. It just makes sense to so I did. One thing I would add is not only watch the cagers eyes,check their front wheels to see if they are moving over in the lane . Stay alert to everything and yes,cover the controls.
My latest experience in Colorado where it is illegal was getting stuck in morning traffic,just crawling and long stop intervals so I went to the apron which was about the width of a lane.Lots of debris and sand so I went about 10 15 mph. Cager saw me coming up and pulled into the apron to cut me off !.Now for the good part.
The space he left open -I just swerved into that,got in front of him went back to the apron and kept going. I would have been furious but the joke was so good I just laughed the rest of the trip.
The real question though is why he would do that,I was not and would not be in his way?