Quote Originally Posted by flat6bagger View Post
Here is what I do:
Eat and drink something,clear my bladder as much as possible before I leave.
Let my body/mind dictate the distance.
If I have traveled 75 miles and keep thinking I need to stop,I do.
If I feel like going 200 miles,I do that also.
Unless it is for a "main meal" stop,I limit the stop to 15 minutes.
Eat a snack,use the bathroom and most importantly..stretch.
Try to stay away from sugary snacks as they will quickly wear off and cause drowsiness.
I carry "Pure Protein" bars that I buy at Walmart.
Relax and enjoy the ride.

This may not be what others suggest.
It is just what I do.
Great points - I should caveat my 1000 mile experience with "I was trying to do a 1000 miles in one day just to see." I was pleasantly amused with how good I felt.
Yes to stretching, yes to protein bars, yes to hydrating, yes to a nice 'main meal' stop.
Like we listen to our bikes, listen to your body's signals.
Safe arrival - regardless of when - is the desired endstate.