For many of us it can be very useful :

Sure - it was developed years ago for aerospace and military purpose , but now we can take advantage of existing technology .

HUD is an acronym for Heads-Up Display, which refers to any transparent display onto which information can be projected without the user having to look away from what they need to see. They were originally developed for aviators in the military, but they are finding increasing commercial use in the aviation and automobile industries.

In recent years, with the proliferation of tiny, feature packed devices like mobile phones and improvements in wireless technology, it is finally feasible to make HUD devices available in the commercial marketplace. Since motorcycle riders already wear helmets, and need to maintain attention to the road while operating various devices, they make the perfect customers for this emerging technology!

Nuviz is a joint venture between a company that develops optical devices for military and aerospace uses, and a software and mobile device development firm. Engineers from the two companies with a passion for riding teamed up to create a product perfect for motorcycling; the result is the Nuviz HUD device. It was recently funded successfully on Kickstarter, with delivery of the first round expected this summer!

Nuviz HUD is a small device that mounts to the outside of any GPS navigation and telemetric data in real time, and can control devices like your phone and camera via Bluetooth. The tiny screen is focused about 30 feet out, so you can maintain your focus at distance while viewing it.
