I think it looks SWEEEET!!!!

It baffles me how owners of the 6 can call this bike butt ugly. It like two sisters who look pretty similar in height, weight, build, and facial structure.... but you call one gorgeous and the other butt ugly... I don't get it. Finding one more or less attractive than the other is one thing, but BUTT UGLY?????

Anyway, I do wonder where the mirrors are. I didn't see any large hi-res display in the quick shot of the dash, so I couldn't imagine how rearview cameras would work. Then again if the image is only brought up on demand the center screen would do. I also wonder what made them go with the outward facing exhaust...

One thing that I do like is the fact that the F6B has started a new category... the PERFORMANCE BAGGER!! While other manufacturers are focusing on blinged out chrome and deep metal flake paint jobs, Honda and BMW are making rockets powered sofas!