I believe that some people stay on or go back to motorcycle forums and make negative comments after buying another brand for entertainment.
Unless they are totally out of their minds,they have to know they are going to ruffle some feathers.
When someone like me responds defending the motorcycle(in this case the F6B) they must get some kind of pleasure knowing they pissed them off.
Others can go for the BS that they are just voicing their opinion and comparing brands,etc.
I am not going for it.
When I get rid of a motorcycle,side by side or whatever that I was on a forum related to it,I leave the forum.
I have nothing to contribute in a positive manner after getting rid of that machine.
If I didn't like the machine I sure as heck would not keep coming back on the forum talking about the negatives to people who love them.
I would think that they should take the time they are wasting bashing the motorcycle you did not like and sign up on a forum to learn all you can about your new motorcycle.
