Quote Originally Posted by stroguy View Post
Glad to hear he will be alright. Man has got know his limitations.

Last night coming home in my cage from a HS graduation in a pouring rain, at dark on a 5 wide highway just north of Houston, I am doing 65 in the far left lane. Told the wife to hang on because you are not going to believe what is fixing to pass us. Coming about 75-80 right next to me is a HD dude, no helmet tucked behind his windscreen. I have no idea how he was capable of driving. The wife was becoming ill she was so scared for the guy. Another minute passes and a 883, no windscreen comes flying past us doing 85-90. He had a brain bucket. I have never realized brazen idiocy on a motorcycle like this. I can only figure they robbed a bank. Scary stuff.

Best of luck to your friend, lesson painfully learned. I only try to impress my wife, and it never works, so I quit.
I have had crotch rockets pass me doing triple digits (LANE SPLITTING) on packed 8 lane highways easily going 50 MPH faster than traffic. If any cages would have wandered in their lanes, their remains would have been spread out for a half a mile.