the 25th I leave for a Yellowstone trip w/predominately Harley riders, I am pulling my Bushtec, they are hauling , on their bikes, what they need for a 10 day trip, I felt obligated to haul stuff to cover every bodies ass as much as possible so this is a preparation post I posted on our forum : 14516.1

Some talk this last weekend concerning Yellowstone and necessities in case of possible breakdowns or roadside maintenance. Concern was limited space for a 10 day trip w/out even hauling maintenance tools/supplies and people hauling duplicate items. As of this posting, this is what I am hauling. Tire plug kit,DOT "4" brake fluid,Jumper cables,300 Psi air compressor, foot pump, (2) 22 oz gas canisters, black duct Tape, electrical tape, 6/12 volt circuit tester, electronic ac/dc/olm testing devise, 4"/8"/21" cable ties, small/big vice grip, needle nose, adj wench lol, misc punch,files,wrenches, metric/standard 1/4 / 3/8", screw drivers, electrical splicing tool terminal kit, some lock tight, battery powered dremmel, hammer, can of tire /flat fix stuff, misc cleaning supplies and what ever else I figure out over the next couple of weeks.