Quote Originally Posted by seadog View Post
No one will ever convince me that a car tire is built to handle curves and the excessive lean angles of a motorcycle, I have seen some wrecks with guys on curves with a car tire on the back end and its simple because of the way the car tire is built and the way the motorcycle tire is built. You darksider can ride on, I don't have a problem with a car tire on your bikes, but I do have a problem with a car tire on my bike. Just saying and it is JMHO.
If you saw a wreck with a car tire on the rear , and I know you have cause I know you wouldn't just say it , the tire probably wasn't at fault. Unless the tire was over/under inflated. Most likely the guy was riding over his head. I can lean my B over till it pushes my pegs up , riding two up. I don't see how you can ask more of a tire. I run a Michelin Alpin. I've seen a lot of MC wrecks. 99.9% of them with MC tires. Was it the tires fault? Doubtful. Most MC wrecks that don't involve another vehicle are operator error. Road conditions shouldn't be much of a factor. You never over ride the conditions if you're smart. So I'm not buying that at CT on a MC caused a wreck. With all respect Seadog I call foul on that one.