Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
Bob you can't expect the schools to raise the kids. I come from a family of teachers. I'm telling you its the parents fault. They believe little Johnny is perfect and they have no rules and don't check to see he does his homework and don't help him. When my kids were in school I was at the kitchen table every night helping with homework. I raised a nurse and an IT geek/ SharePoint Administrator. Both those kids are hard workers and have no problem keeping a job. They both make good money. I spent thousands of hours helping those kids. I would do it again in a heartbeat. No , it all starts and ends at home.
You get no argument from me on the importance of parents. Today with addition of so many single parents trying to make it on $10 Hr. Is it any wonder parents have to be working 60 - 80 hr work weeks and have little time to parent. Somebodies got to do the laundry
However, I was raised in a family that had 2 working parents working hard to pay the bills. I can't remember ever getting any help from them on my school work.
The one thing I did have going for me was the school system I attended and the teachers I had. They made sure my homework was done and I understood the work at hand. And this was at a time when the WW II baby boomers were in the schools, 34 in a class was the norm not the exception.
True my parents insisted I follow the "college prep" curriculum through high school that was their dream. Those teachers of the time had me so trained that I was bored for the first 2 years of Rutgers. It seemed like a review of my last 2 years of high school.
My last job was working in a school system upgrading to Windows 2000 and upgrading their entire systems. I worked on problem computers in class rooms. where I witnessed 1st grade teachers with PhD's pulling down $100,000 + a year supervising coloring book classes. The coloring books were bad enough but if I told you what was on those computers you'd understand my stand on why our kids are so dumb.