Quote Originally Posted by seadog View Post
Enough noisy bikes, that is why I'm extremely happy with my 2015 Deluxe with the 2014 chrome pipes on it. Quiet, nice, I can listen to the stereo and not be bludgeoned by noisy exhaust tone. Suits me just fine!
+1 on what dog said. I recently installed a like new set of 2013 mufflers (including shields & tips) on my 2015 - wow, what a difference - music to my ears at last! Much quieter and no more annoying resonance and drone while accelerating in the 2K-3K range! Completely gone. I'll never go back to the 15 mufflers (and no, they're not for sale).

Like some others, I own both sets and have examined both, and yes, they are different in a few ways. Those who have said they're the same haven't done their homework. Take a look at the pics below. The exit pipe on the 13/14 muffler is short and slant cut as well as being below center on the end of the can whereas the exit pipe is centered on the end can for 2015 as well as being a different configuration. Tips are also vastly different (sorry I didn't have a pic of the 13 tip). As for the other end, when looking down the inlet with a flashlight, the 2013's have a baffle about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way to the end, whereas the 2015's baffle is 6" to 8" closer to the inlet. Don't know what prompted mother Honda to make these changes but suffice it to say that I am much happier with the 13s, it's not even a close call. Don't mean to start another controversy, just saying . . .