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Thread: Cagers.

  1. #11
    DarkSider#1617 Steve 0080's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    WIIFM= Whats in it for me....I think this is a fairly new term going around...seems to fit most younger folks!
    " Truth is often deemed rude, blunt and to the point which is why so few make their friend " Freddy Hayler ..352-267-1553 Sanford, FLA

  2. #12
    Junior Member pickensf6b's Avatar
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    People now could care less about anyone else on the road. My wife and I were less than a mile from home , turning left off a 4 lane when i checked my mirror and here came a girl passing me in the median. My turn signal must have ment nothing. Im hard too anger but my blood boiled immediately. My wife knowing me the way she does spoke 3 words "Let It Go"

  3. #13
    Senior Member lgjhn's Avatar
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    I had a young gal in a Toyota Rave pass me on a 4-lane doing at least 75 in a 65.
    As she passed me, I noticed that she was texting. I backed off the throttle a little as she was slowly drifting into my lane...right where I would have been had I not backed off.
    She suddenly realized she had drifted over and yanked the wheel hard back to the left lane and almost skidded out barely recovering from it.
    Texting while driving is worse than a drunk driver IMHO. It needs to be made illegal with severe penalties; ie: like losing your license or maybe some actual jail time for repeat offenders. It's a serious and dangerous issue and needs to be addressed with some serious penalties.

  4. #14
    Senior Member MisterB's Avatar
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    Technology has made it very simple to text and drive, I plug in my phone whenever I get in the car, while driving I simply say " hey Siri... text my wife", Siri responds "OK, what do you want to say to Christine?", I'll respond "Take Lindbergh, the highway is jammed, I love you!", Siri says, "OK, are you ready to send it?", I respond "Yes" and off it goes.
    I never have to touch a button or look away from the road.
    Unfortunately this is the exception. With all of this technology I still see people juggling their phones and other paraphernalia, many have the tech built into their cars that would allow them to do what I've described but are too dense to figure it out?
    Engaging in an actual conversation with someone in the car is much more distracting. Imagine the distraction of a trucker using a CB or a kid switching 8 track tapes. Much worse than simply talking.
    Looking at directions through a hazy piece of plastic on a tank bag? Imminent crash and burn.

    Make the playlists ahead of time, set the podcasts to play unplayed episodes in order, use these tools to enhance your trip but don't physically interact with them while driving.
    I think I'd rather see someone typing away on an IBM Model M balanced on their steering wheel than trying to peck away at a virtual keyboard with 1/4" keys.

    Hmmm, consider that we all may be wrong in our assumption that people are "texting". As I've described it's a simple enough process to do without ever touching the phone.
    It wouldn't surprise me if they are checking Facebook, scourge of the modern world*. They may actually be looking at whatever it is people post or tweet and responding to it.
    I'll see if there have been any studies on this.

    *(I know, I know, everybody loves the Facebook. Trust me, it will be the Opti-Grab of our time)

    edit: I could even do this with my Sena headset while riding the B, but I have to hold the button down to get Siri going and it's not something I'm comfortable with. My wife knows to call me if I'm riding because all I have to do is say "hello" and it automatically answers. Full disclosure: I don't talk much on the phone, she's only called me twice while I was riding. Once was to test the system. Unlimited minutes, too beat down by years of punitive cellphone service to use them.

  5. #15
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    Wife and I have been doing a whole house remodel for about 6 months. We completed a big project this morning and with a free afternoon decided to RTE for supper. We both love Pasta House. Round trip about 80 miles to the one we frequent. Nice ride going down. Bad coming back. On the hwy in the hammer lane about 5 miles from the restaurant cruising about 75 in heavy traffic. This little punk comes flying up on the inside and slammed on his brakes cause a car was just in front of me in the other lane. I look over and he is texting. He doesn't even look up. He immediately comes over in my lane with me. At this point I'm evading as hard as I can while laying on the horn. I think my wife was trying to get off at this point. Thank god there was a nice shoulder by the median. Just as I hit the white line doofus woke up and realized he had screwed up. He had his window down and I never appreciated my modular helmet more. I questioned his lineage , his heritage and even mentioned his mom. He got off at the next exit. So then traffic thinned out and we was moving along really good when some A-Hole in an Avalanche is coming up hard. I'm running about 80 at this point and he dives to the inside lane , deja vue , and can't go anywhere. You know guys when traffic is heavy you just go with the flow. And it was flowing pretty good. Not good enough for this prick. So at 80 this prick rolls his window down and tells me I'm number 1 while at the same time cutting in front of me. So at 80 mph his rear bumper was about 8 ft in front of me. He couldn't go anywhere cause there was a red Toyota up there. I believe people should have more respect for bikes than that. It was a dangerous move at best. It bothers me when the wife is on and people do those things. Be extra careful guys. The road is full of idiots. Take care of yourselves and your passenger. Ride defensively and remember , that car outweighs you 5 times over. I wanted to kick both their azzes , but what do you do. The guy in the Avalanche is the one that pissed me off the worst. He acted like it was my fault he couldn't run 100 mph in 80 mph traffic. He was a young punk also. I don't have anything against young guys , just punks. I ride with my nephew and my son all the time. Both are great examples of responsible young men. I think this kind of behavior is more prevalent at the beginning of riding season. Watch those cagers.
    The main thing is you guys were OK, like I say when you get on that bike you have to bring your "A" game every single time. It is heartwarming to read what some people will do for a dish of macaroni, brings a tear to my eye. So for loyalty to flour, egg, salt and a little olive oil, with some cheese on top, a tribute to Shooter- Jerry please:

    As far as the guys who cut you off - get the plate numbers next time - nothing a hand grenade under the driver's seat tied with fishing line to the door won't cure. The only that will be going through his mind when he sits down is -------- his ass.

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