Trump was very clear on how he was going to build and finance the wall. Vincente Fox has apologized and invited Trump to Mexico without ever laying a brick. He's not even president and they're kissing his ass, that's power. They released the Iranian hostages after Reagan was sworn in because they knew, like Trump, he will use force without any hesitation.

Banning Muslims is what is necessary, all muslims aren't terrorists, but so far, all terrorists are muslims. Those weren't Episcopalians in Boston, San Bernadino, New York, Langley Va., Fort Hood. Like any other law or punishment they are written and enforced by the actions of the few to protect the larger majority. Most people will never commit a crime, however, the 60 million laws and regulations we have in this country is because of the few, relatively, so as to protect the larger community.

If your first act as a potential American is to violate federal law, by sneaking across the border, then maybe you're not what we want here. You then further compound that by going on public assistance, taking the money and sending it back to the shithole you fled making money transfers the #1 export from the US to Mehico. Unlike Europeans who came here and became Americans, not hyphenated, legally and made astounding contributions to America. If you feel bad about your whiteness, Americanism or prosperity take an illegal family into your home that I would send back. Liberals are very good with other people's money, they are repelled, physically, at spending their own. And the first ones to motherf#&ck you if you cut in front of them on a line, but, you immigrants who are trying to come here legally through that lengthy process, good luck, you illegals come right in.

Trump also indicated he will employ the likes of Carl Icahn, and others, to renegotiate these trade deals we're getting hosed on.

He is going to repeal Obamacare, eliminate state insurance monopolies by introducing competition into the states and utilize Health Savings Accounts which are far better.

Maybe I've been listening to another election but these seem pretty specific, and this was way before we arrived at this point. If 11 million illegal felons, and I know there are more, wind up leaving, great. The economic boost to America, having these leeches off the public teet, would be enormous. Besides why would you deny these 11 million illegal felons a chance to return to "my country" (the sickening phrase they use when speaking about the shithole they came from) so they won't have to use English as a Second Language.