Quote Originally Posted by Felloverboard View Post
I think the stock F6B seat is very comfortable, for me anyway. I have ridden 961 miles in one day and took a 7500 mile trip last summer. Wind buffeting is the only issue I have had especially in the plains states where crosswinds are horrific. The low center of gravity compared to a full-wing makes you feel as though you are on a large street type of bike on the twisty's.
Yes I agree, I tried Corbin, Russ Meyer, and ended up with an ultimate. The Ultimate was the best for me, but the stock one was not too far behind that.
On the full wing the seat that came with it was simply miserable after a short while. With the full wing being even more cramped that the F6B it made it harder to get comfortable. In comparison getting the Ultimate seat on the F6B was a major chore but I did get it on. Seemed like the holes didn't want to line up without some major persuasion. With the full wing the seat went on with no problems at all.