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Thread: Stirring the Poop

  1. #21
    DarkSider#1617 Steve 0080's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wiggy View Post
    Excellent post, Shooter. We just had a presentation at work that teaches the new adopted Mantra(not sure by whom) Run, Hide, Fight. The fight part involves using whatever is at one's disposal...tables, chairs, silverware, whatever. I thought to myself, "Gee, a GUN would work well in this situation!"

    All I know is that in ALL of the recent Mass shooting incidences, the common denominator was that they were all Gun Free Zones. I wonder if THAT'S the problem?

    That is the new cooperate guidelines going out now in all major companies. The approximate count was above 300 people in the bar in Orlando...approximately 100 where shot. Twenty hiding in one wheelchair type bathroom shaking while the gunman told them he was loading his weapon to kill them all....10 seconds later 1 or 2 lived.

    I realize the majority of folks are not trained... but even a puppy will fight if backed into a corner. Better to take one in the chest than the back!

    I read somewhere the most guns now being bought are by the LGBT or whatever the initials are.
    " Truth is often deemed rude, blunt and to the point which is why so few make their friend " Freddy Hayler ..352-267-1553 Sanford, FLA

  2. #22
    Senior Member Davidk's Avatar
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    We, those who carry guns everywhere, are a very, very rare breed. The vast majority of gun owners never carry.

    The rest of our society were never taught to depend on themselves. They are taught to rely on others for everything—the government will teach our children, supermarkets will feed us, the police will protect us, better to cooperate with violent criminals than to defend ourselves.

    I have seen unreleased photos of Columbine. The school kids where shot right at their desks. They did nothing to survive, no running, no fighting, no hiding. No defensive wounds. Shot, seated politely and obediently, in their chairs.

    At Virginia Tech, victims were lined up, 20 in a row, on their knees, on the floor waiting their turn to be executed. They all just let it happen. Even when the shooter was reloading, no defensive action was taken. we know this because no defensive wounds were found on the victims. The sheep knowingly let themselves be slaughtered. These were not young school children, they were adult, colleges student, taught and conditioned to be weak in mind, spirit and body.

    It is sickening to realize how far down our newest generations have sunk in such a short time. In just a few generations, we fell from the greatest country in the world to a pathetic shadow of our older generations. The US is no longer a world leader in anything. Education, manufacturing, military, invention, the US is merely a ghost of our former glory.

    Decades of democratic ideals have taught generations to be dependent on others and not to think for themselves. These politicians and bureaucrats achieved exactly what they wanted, a nation of sheep that will keep them in power because they have created a citizenry that is stupid, feable and helpless.

    This BS over gender neutral bathrooms is the perfect example of PC run amok. Better to alienate millions of normal folk and create extremely dangerous situations that aid sexually predators so a few wackos don’t get hurt feelings. A few years ago teenagers were stormed beaches, jumped from planes and charged into almost certain death. Today, teenagers are running to their safe places because words hurt. "Oh, I saw Trump's name in chalk. I need therapy."

    Anyone who thinks that disarming law-abiding citizens will reduce terrorism or crime is a fucking idiot and this country is full of them. As proof, looks who won the last two presidential elections.

    This country has been mortally wounded, but has simply not bled out yet. The US of A that I grew up in is DEAD.

    It has been said that no democracy ever lasted more than 300 years. I now know why. The takers now outnumber the makers and they have voted entitlements for themselves. That is the formula for economic doom. Socialism (what we have become) works great until you run out of other people's money.
    If you are not part of the solution, YOU are the problem.

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  3. #23
    Senior Member 53driver's Avatar
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    Yeah, I went there.....

    Attachment 21676

    Here's the article it came from:

    Sheepdogs. Yup.
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    "Politeness, n: The most acceptable hypocrisy."
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  4. #24
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Never thought I'd read this in the Christian Science Monitor

  5. #25
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 53driver View Post
    Attachment 21676

    Here's the article it came from:

    Sheepdogs. Yup.
    Powerful information in that article and I already ordered those two books.

  6. #26
    DavidK that was a great post. What is so obvious to us is unthinkable to a lot of Americans. Its a shame but a lot of them are sheep. I'm hoping the upcoming election will change things. If Billarie gets in , we are doomed. I don't think we can come back from eight years of that.

  7. #27
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    No that won't work either!

    Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post
    Yes, cut your losses. That's what pro-gun activists advocate. I am in agreement with that. Anti-gun activists can't seem to understand that concept. They want to make it all go away... but that will never happen. Unless there is total gun confiscation. And that isn't happening either... except maybe in California... they seem well on their way to eventually trying to legislate that act. Maryland and other liberal states to most likely follow that as well.
    A total gun confiscation only takes guns away from Law Abiding Citizen, it doesn't get the guns away from criminals because the only one's they know about are registered by people who obey the laws of the land. The second Amendment gives you the right to keep and bear arms. But the state have instituted laws that bend that right to their will. Which should have never been allowed, Constitutional Carry is the only law that should not be circumvented.

  8. #28
    Senior Member willtill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seadog View Post
    A total gun confiscation only takes guns away from Law Abiding Citizen, it doesn't get the guns away from criminals because the only one's they know about are registered by people who obey the laws of the land. The second Amendment gives you the right to keep and bear arms. But the state have instituted laws that bend that right to their will. Which should have never been allowed, Constitutional Carry is the only law that should not be circumvented.
    What will be interesting (and sad) is; if and when Hilliary opens her mouth during the administration of the oath of office for POTUS; she'll utter another lie by repeating that she'll uphold and defend the US Constitution; against all enemies; foreign and domestic. Right in front of the country... right in front of the world.

    Many will applaud her. With no idea that she just committed a covert; treasonous act.

    She aims to neuter the 2nd Amendment impotent for the rest of us.. Even if she states during the oath proclaiming not to.

    21 years Army (retired)
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  9. #29
    Senior Member Davidk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    DavidK that was a great post. What is so obvious to us is unthinkable to a lot of Americans. Its a shame but a lot of them are sheep. I'm hoping the upcoming election will change things. If Billarie gets in , we are doomed. I don't think we can come back from eight years of that.
    8 years of the Hilderbeast will be nothing. She will decimate the Supreme Court for the next 40 years. Everything a President does can be undone, except for the Supreme Court.
    If you are not part of the solution, YOU are the problem.

    Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.

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