Well, I'm back at it, after a 17 plus hour day. I think I'll crash and burn around mid day....god help any customers that try to bust my butt! What a great day. As I've always found, bikers are a damn good group. Bob Penn arranged a great day of riding. I wished I lived a tad closer, trust me, between CT and PA, I'd never be home.

Awesome meeting everyone....looking forward to the pics that I'm NOT in....lol

Adrian....best looking F6B of the group, imho....that white is just perfect. Teach, and I know I'm not alone saying this...you're a special kind of lady. Loved riding behind you and see how to live life. You didn't miss one wave to any passing biker, even scooters. I can only dream to be like that. That, on top of the work you do....when you work, you lucky bugger...is very admirable.

My mind will NOT be on my work today.