Monday was moving day from Lanz Corners to Slate Run Pa., appx 150 miles. All went well till the ride leaders gps took us down a "scenic" short cut, appx 25 miles, that started out with a good road that got progressively worse and then turned into a 7 mile, 1 lane dirt logging road. You had about 1 1/2 ' of some what and sometimes packed gravel/dirt, on either side of the gravel center hump, me pulling a fully loaded trailer and everyone else fully packed at the end of a long day. !0 - 15 mph and the feeling that one misstep would put you in the ditch w/ a 800 + pound bike on one side or down a ravine on the other, and if the little signs that told us to watch out for lumber trucks produced one, we were fckd ! Can laugh about it now but not so much at the time.

Plenty of beautiful winding roads in Pa. and little towns to pass threw. Conveniences, were we are at are few and far in between. Our motel is nice but their wifi is spotty at best and I can not make any calls, texting is hit or miss. restoutant, Black Forest Inn, has good food but opens at 11, closes at 9:30 pm. 9 miles either way for anything else.

Tomorrow is a moving/travel day on our way to St.Ignace in the Michigan U.P. will go as far as we can tomorrow and over night some were arriving at St. Ignace on Friday.

Life is good and so is the F6b.