Quote Originally Posted by 53driver View Post
Just be careful during install.
I bent the leads doing so many test fits that on one ring they snapped at the solder point!

In reality, they were just a bit too small to go all the way around my Hambly badges so they will not be installed.
That can be soldered and put back very easily, if you are good at that. If you need to have it put back you can call Rege at TricLed 614-596-5515. Put it in the mail to them and he can fix it. We have had a lot of people put them around the badges. I have not looked at them real close to see how they were done.

I will look into a dual color for these. The only problem is it would be more expensive and we would have to make a commitment for quite a few of them.
We are doing dual color for smoke strips now, Running, Brake in Red then turns Amber for Turn. White then turns Amber for turn in front.