Quote Originally Posted by choptop View Post
Swillary may not have been indicted , they apparently, especially if you are a Clinton, need more evidence of intent to break the law or something to that effect, But her character and trustworthiness were questioned. That will be of major focus in the months to come.
It is beyond me that their are that many stupid people in this fine country that believe in her. In my mind the last 15 or so years, since political correctness, no losers in anything, unreality television and the overall dumbing down of the Americans has had the effect that the government wanted. Everything is upside down and I fear for our country.

If you think back on the last several elections it is the stupidest people in America that choose the President. The folks on the right vote republican, the loons and libturds vote Demoncrats (yes, I spelled it correctly.) The split is 50/50. The tie breaker is the "undecided voter" defined as someone who, a week before the election, still has not make up his/her mind regarding two polar opposites. Anyone (everyone) who can't pick by that point is undeniably stupid and is the team choosing our future. I am not negative, I am a realist.